Businesses Owned by Animals

Grab your Frosty and meet us at #GullFest for another episode of LIVE! It’s by animals, for animals this week as the Bungalow Boys draft lists of best businesses started by animals. We’re talking vigilante elephants and feline hairstylists, folks. Plus, find out what tragedy befell Nate at his local Wendy’s. Hint: unlike at the cat salon, this story does not come with the option of a happy ending.

Cereal-Themed Wardrobes

Grab your sex funnel and join the Bungalow Boys for this week’s LIVE Draft of cereal-themed wardrobes. Find out who would munch on Captain Crunch and spend his day dressed as a pirate. Hear Pat expose the cereal industry as #Problematic. Listen to Nate try to back his way into dressing like a vigilante. Plus, what strange urinal flushing behavior has the B.Boys at a loss for words? No Christopher Walken impressions or your money back.

Welcome to the Beach Bungalow

Grab your beach beverage of choice and join the Bungalow Boys as they introduce themselves and their new show! Which host was dropped on a vacuum as a child? Why are everybody’s Christopher Walken impressions so bad? Did someone sell Pat’s lucky golf clubs? Who exactly is Big Sloppy 7? Plus an inaugural LIVE Draft of Things The Hosts are Better at Than the Other Hosts.