Who Killed Chester the Dog-Eating Alligator?

Grab your loved ones and give them a big hug, because life is short and precious. We join the Boiz this week to celebrate and honor the life of Chester the Dog-Eating Alligator, who passed away at the age of 60ish. While reports are that Chester died of an intestinal blockage, the facts don’t add up. How does the mightiest creature to ever walk the earth just…die? And why did it take so long to report his death? Foul play, perhaps? A rival gator? The illumidoggi? Paula Deen? Who (or what) really felled this magnificent beast? The Boiz investigate on an all new LIVE!

Items You'd Repurpose if You Were a Mouse

Grab your wispy mustache and join us at the tool shed gym for a new episode of LIVE! What are some items you’d repurpose if you were a mouse (or mouse-sized)? Pat sleeps on sauce packet pillows. Nate tames a toad. Matt kinks his hose. Plus, what’s the best cereal to dive into? Would a small frog survive being thrown out of a plane? You ever find a double or a triple hair? Buff raccoons are doing squats and it all happens LIVE!

Business Advice

Grab your 80lbs of hose and meet us at the Great Wall Street of China for a new episode of LIVE! Prepare to be rich because the Boiz have all had successful lives and now they are here to give their sage wisdom to YOU! Matt pays people to touch his dirt. Alexander Mattison drinks coffee. Nate has a hot take about firefighters that even Pat finds problematic. Plus, is it possible to be un-cancelled? Has Nate ever hired anybody? What does Matt’s waist and Pat’s head have in common? All that and more in an award-winning (maybe) episode of LIVE!

Foods You Want in a Spray Can

Grab your jelly beer and meet us at the iHeart Radio Podcast Awards for a new episode of LIVE! What are some foods you wish could be sprayed out of a can? Nate becomes Doc Ock trying to invent spray BBQ. Matt decorates his tacos with spray beef. Pat chomps on a black hole. Plus, did Joe Biden poison all the peanut butter? Did Paula Deen try to kill Pat’s family? Are pancakes art? It’s easy peasy lemon cheesy and it all happens LIVE!

What Makes You Say "F#%K YEAH" as if You Just Threw a Pomegranate at a Tree?

Grab your Monster Hanual and meet Matt at the dump for an all new LIVE! It’s 2023 and the pickup pizza boiz are doing revolutions and talking about what makes them say “f#%k yeah!” Nate is looking a little hamstery. Matt is writing a movie in 21 days. Pat is going to read two books this year and is taking suggestions. Plus, no more spaghetti on the carpet. John Wick on a horse. Over/Under on how many people cut you off while you’re heading to work. It’s all about the reflexes and it all happens LIVE!

Replace the Times Square Ball Drop

Grab your trapezoid car and drive it to Times Square for a new year, new episode of LIVE! We’re replacing the New Year’s Eve time ball and these updated traditions are sure to be a hit (or a splat). Nate sacrifices an old person at midnight. Pat brings back an extinct species. Matt drops a new hit single. Plus, who holds the NFL record for most single games with over 150 receiving yards? Giraffe, dinosaur, or dodo? You know that feeling of throwing fruit at a tree from your front door at 6 in the morning? No ball, no drop, all LIVE!

Christmas but Make it Horror

Grab your big, blue, sexy aliens and ride a whale to the North Pole in a holiday episode of LIVE! It’s Christmas but scarier. Nate spends too much time at the market. Pat’s chili looks like puke. Matt is a “happy holidays” guy and he wants everybody to know. Plus, would you call the police if you saw mommy killing Santa Claus? Is Superman stronger than Jesus? Where are the peas? He needs the peas! All that and the twist ending to “The Village” and it all happens LIVE!

Best Worst

Grab your cringy bacon things and trigger Pat on an all new LIVE! What are some of the best worst songs, movies and foods? Nate is fully recyclable. Pat refuses to lick the hand that feeds him. Matt is too rich for food that sprays out of a can. Plus, how many Sundays do you love your wife? Is Nickelback the Beatles of now? You know when you’re chewing on a meat and it does the meat thing in your mouth? All that and more and it all happens LIVE!

2022 Science Bee

Grab your periodic table and put the elements together for a new episode of LIVE! It’s time for the annual bee with Nate and Matt going head-to-head to determine who has the best science mind of the bunch. Can Pat eat gold? Is the ocean wide? Chemistry, in this economy? Plus, list the nation’s deadliest animals. Spell a word. Name a boob. It’s stepsister, not sister, and it all happens LIVE!

Everything You Need for Sleepy Time

Grab your worm pillow and fortify yourself in bed for a new episode of LIVE! What are some things you need when it’s time for sleep? Nate needs his thermodynamic blankey. Pat needs a heat sink. Superfan Amanda needs the soothing tones of the Bungalow Boiz. Plus, was Indiana Jones secretly filmed in Gatorland? Was Nate fed sloppy Joes through a slot in the basement door as a child? Is Matt the little spoon? We’re cumming to the bank and it all happens LIVE!

This Thanksgiving I'm BLANKful For...

Grab your can-shaped cranberry sauce and be the first to arrive to a new episode of LIVE! What are you BLANKful for this holiday season? Matt is THANKful for his wife, family, and cheese. Nate is USEful for reading the socials. Pat is DANKful because he’s getting contact high at family Halloween. Plus, who cuts Nate’s hair? What makes the boiz HATEful for Fantasy Football? Why does Wisconsin love sausage so much? All that and more and it all happens either in the past, present, or future, we’re not sure!

Objects You Hope Never Come to Life

Grab your floating hatchet and join Jack Hammer in making some noise for an all new LIVE! What are some inanimate objects you hope never come alive? Nail guns don’t know their own strength. Pat is a serial cereal flusher. Peter Piper picked a pair of pants. Plus, who wins in a fight between pens and ants? Who is the podcast tone setter? Is Pat just David Harbour with all the sad sucked out? Spool up and roll out on an all new LIVE!

Movie Roles You Want for Yourself

Grab your apple juice, shaken not stirred, and meet us on the playground for a new episode of LIVE! Who are some movie characters you think you should portray? Pat is a Captain America who drinks soda for breakfast. Nate plays himself if himself was as rich and hot as Tom Brady. Matt’s wife is a paid actress. Plus, could you get a hit off Derek Jeter? What day is it in New Zealand? Is the movie “Rambo” actually called “Rambo?” Time is tough and it all happens LIVE!

Ways to Occupy Yourself on a Long Haul Flight

Grab your steak gristle and get ready to trim it on an all new episode of LIVE! Matt is going to New Zealand and needs help occupying his time. Pat watches “The Last Duel” five times. Nate watches the plane tracker for fourteen hours. Jim collects stamps. Plus, how many beers could you drink on a long haul flight? Do you let your significant other give directions when driving? Have you met our lord and savior Tricky Genie? Cigarettes and masturbation and it all happens LIVE!

Trick or Treating Through the Ages

Grab your Nick ‘Em Lip and go door to door for nips on an all new Halloween LIVE! What sort of treats were given out through the course of history? Nate can’t afford 100 Grands in this economy. Pat tries to argue that stealing isn’t wrong. Matt has a very specific 1900s-era cannibal Protestant necrophilia fetish. Plus, do old people taste like cinnamon? Are monkeys up candy trees? Did they call it Native America? Crunch over Krackle and it all happens DEAD!

Your Perfect Day

Grab your nice little treat and meet us in Park City for a perfect episode of LIVE! What is your idea of the perfect day? Matt pregames a walk with a hike. Nate likes sex and a big breakfast. Pat never checks the weather because he doesn’t want any spoilers. Plus, what is the ideal length of a nap? Is Andre 3000 dead? Have you ever been outdoors naked? Stay salty and tune in to a new LIVE!

Food Clothes

Grab your wood shirt and meet us at the grocery store for a new outfit and a new LIVE! This week we’re doing food clothes. Pat moistens his lettuce. Nate poisons his pregnant wife. Matt can’t bust his coconut. Plus, can you slurp a bowtie? If you were swallowed alive would you claw or chew your way out? Can fruit give consent? Accrue pizza points by eating good boy food and listening to a new episode of LIVE!

Things You Respect

Grab your camo shorts and meet us on the front lines for a new episode of LIVE! The boys are talking about things they respect. Matt gets rear-ended by a lizard person. Nate steals valor. Pat reacts to the new Mario trailer. Plus, did Jesus have two dads? How many people can fit in an elevator? What’s the name of that Rodney Dangerfield movie where he’s a dog? Hate the player and respect the game and listen to it all LIVE!

Drinks You Want to Bang

Grab your blob and join the boiz in the eye of the storm for a new episode of LIVE! What drinks do you want to bone? Nate gets rag-dolled by a lager. Pat likes his water dumb thicc. Matt lays down towels for his bloody Marys. Plus, how would you prepare for a hurricane? Is frosting a drink? How do you get rid of a Beetlejuice? If you’re reading or you’re watching or you’re listening to this then it all happens LIVE!

Things That Would Have Gone Differently If You Had Been There

Grab your Brazilian balls and join us at Ford’s Theater for a history-altering episode of LIVE! What are some events throughout time that would have gone differently if you had been there? Pat leaves no chads behind. Matt preserves the library at Mattexandria. Nate re-gifts the Trojan Horse. Plus, is the moon infested with feral aliens? Would Nate cheat on Hillary Clinton with a sandwich who had the personality of his wife? Would Pat win the Olympics in the 1800s? Mark Wahlberg is inventing time machines and it all happens LIVE!