Grab your hyena genitalia and meet us on the fairgrounds for a new episode of LIVE! What are some of the best grounds? Nate takes a spin on the merry-go-ground. Pat is half ground, half hog, all man. Matt thinks Elton John sang “Space Oddity.” Plus, are playground slides overrated? Did Bill Murray do 9/11? Did the witches go to hollow ground in “Hocus Pocus?” Nate reads “The Art of War” on audiobook and Pat thinks he could lay an egg. Ectoplasm melts steel beams and it all happens LIVE!
Bad Super Powers
Grab your mattress hands and meet us in Hawaii for a super episode of LIVE with special guest Zach Haskins from the “Sell Me on It” podcast. What are some bad super powers that may actually have some hidden benefits? The Bung Boiz head to the super power DMV and become Penman, Sweatbender, Super Soaker, and Knives-for-Hands. Nate knows a dog that speaks Mexican. Matt’s bones are filled with ink. Zach destroys the eco-system. Pat forgets his own name. Plus, if you’re lost in the desert are you drinking sweat or urine? Which host would be murdered if Zach was forced to live with them (again)? Don’t cry over spilled ink. It’s LIVE!
Change the Settings of Famous Movies
Grab your Godzilla worm and meet us in a dark scary bathroom for another episode of LIVE! The boiz are taking famous movies and changing the settings to make them…better? Worse? Different? Who knows!? Nate attempts to alter the course of history. Tom Hanks gets lost in a Target. Pat is mixing his own special artisanal sperm blend. Plus, Matt has a new bike. Nate sees his baby in an ultrasound. John Malkovich is being Pat. We’re not in Oz anymore. It’s LIVE!
What is Actually in the Great Pyramid of Giza
Grab your King Tutancappucino and join us in Egypt as we crack open the Great Pyramid and peer inside. What will the Bung Boiz find? Nate thinks mummies are cocoons. Pat thinks mummies are lies told by vampires. Matt thinks Nate used an ancient Egyptian curse to steal all of Pat’s hair. Plus, is Amelia Earhart banging Elvis? Are trees biologically immortal? Can Nate make a joke without quoting a movie? It’s LIVE!
Nate's Bucket List
Grab your "The Nate" and meet us in the frosty pool for a draft of Nate's bucket list. What are some things Nate wants to do before he dies? HINT: most include food or beer. Special guest Superfan Amanda joins us to pitch her idea for a Bungalow fan club. Matt learns about Angry Fireballs. Pat creates rhombus charts. Nate is related to Mary had a Little Lamb. Amanda loves the show so much it puts her to sleep. It's LIVE!
Presidential Candidates for a Mars Colony
Grab your Mars bonds and meet us at the Green House for a presidential draft featuring the host of “Negro Please,” Matt Corbin. Who should we elect to lead a new Martian colony? Who would win in a fight: The Rock or a martian? Would Viola Davis get away with murder? Will Bill Nye be confused by the gravity since he’s a science GUY and not a scienTIST? Cardi B has a strong and diverse free trade policy. Pat is prepared to punch aliens in the face. Nate may make his society women only. Matt’s fiance is horny for the president and it’s LIVE!
Concoct the Perfect Dad Using Fictional Characters
Grab your ugly baby kidney and meet us in the black market for a new episode featuring Clem from “Podfathers!” What elements from fictional characters can combine to create the perfect dad? Clem uses dad strength to crush the skulls of lesser dads. Nate becomes a better father every time he smears pie on his face. The Internet Gods cut Pat off right before a (probably) horrific Sean Connery/Arnold Schwarzenegger impression. Matt asks about baby return policies. Plus, How is South of the Border like “Space Jam?” Find out in an all new episode of LIVE!
Wedding Gifts for a Canceled Wedding
Grab something borrowed and something blue and meet us at the alter for a LIVE draft with special guests Christy and Michelle from “The Big Wedding Planning Podcast.” The two expert wedding planners give Matt advice on his postponed wedding. What would be the perfect gifts to give to someone who had to delay or cancel their big day? Matt schedules his fantasy football draft on the original wedding date. Nate announces he's having a baby. Plus, is premium porn worth the investment? Does Nate look like a hedgehog? Why is Pat giving people books when he doesn’t know how to read? All that and more!
Create Your Own Hogwarts
Grab your broken mic and join us at Hogworld for an educational new draft! The Bungalow Boiz are creating their own schools, and you can enroll with a 20% discount using promo code DEREK69. Matt tells the gang about his first COVID test. Pat finds his grunt. Nate is one of only three professors at his university. Take a class in pun theory, or dad jokes, or sleeping your way to the top. And remember, the wizard doesn’t choose the dildo, the dildo chooses the wizard. It’s all new and it’s LIVE!
The Rarest Sounds in the World
Grab your ergonomic dumpster toilet and meet the Bung Boiz down under with Judd and Pedro from the “When Albums Collide” podcast. What are some of the rarest sounds on Earth? What is Nate cooking in his hot tub? Who is cucking Pedro? What #MattJinx nearly takes down the episode? Plus, Pat tries to explain guns to the Aussies, who haven’t invented guns yet. Judd has Oreos and beer for breakfast. Matt soaks in his own gender fluid. Continents and podcasts collide and #ItsLIVE!
Secret Branches of the Government
Grab your grapefruit popcorn and join the Space Boiz as they expose the truth about the secrets hidden from us by our own government. Julia and Erin of the “UFO Party” podcast join the gang to discuss conspiracy theories and their love for Fox Mulder. Nate hunts down time criminals. Pat lives in a satellite with a roommate dog. Matt doesn’t trust traffic lights. No one really knows for sure what is in the Great Pyramid of Giza. Plus, Helen DeHeneras is cancelled and Qanon is just Nicholas Cage trying to expose fake historical artifacts (stay woke!). The truth isn’t just out there, it’s in here! Press play if you dare. It’s LIVE!
Ice Cream Truck Substitutes
Grab your Choco Taco and follow the sound of the ice cream man (or woman…2020) as we cool down with a truck load of fun. What do you wish could be sold door-to-door, ice cream truck style? Nate waves down the lotto truck. Pat dreams up a mobile Blockbuster. Matt wants a convenient store truck to drive by so he doesn't have to go to CVS for one small thing. Plus, the Bung Boiz talk favorite ice cream truck treats, Pat tells us about Sigmund Frood, and Nate reveals which controversial shirt he keeps preserved in his closet. Hurry up and listen before it melts! It's LIVE!
First Things You'd Do as a Ghost
Grab your classic witch snack and join us in the haunted hallway for a new LIVE! with special guests Bridgette and Wyatt from “The Devil, the Witch, and My Wardrobe.” Bridgette describes her life as a Wiccan while Pat tries to understand how Keanu Reeves is haunting her from inside a DVD player. Nate’s wife is revealed to be a witch and Wyatt time travels to prevent a rival spirit from starting up a competing ghost school. Plus, find out who falls in love with the man they are haunting, who is spying on Leonardo DiCaprio in the bathroom, and who is making a fortune in Ghost Bucks. The Lady in Denim is here in an episode good enough to get kicked out of hell. It’s LIVE!
Cartoon Characters You Want to Bang
Grab your cigar clipper and meet us at the Bungalow as we celebrate our 50th episode with Jen and Carol from the podcast “Mom Swipes Left!” The Bung Boiz swipe right on controversy as the group drafts a list of cartoon characters they would sleep with, and some of the answers will shock you. Who cucked Roger Rabbit? Whose Spidey senses are tingling? Which is bigger, Lumière’s body or Gaston’s package? Plus, Pat considers joining the Priesthood to win a bet and Jen threatens to milk Robert De Niro. It’s looney, it’s tooney, and it’s LIVE!
Wishes That Weigh Under Ten Pounds
Grab your magic lamp and meet us in the wishing well for a new draft where all your dreams can come true. Tricky Genie strikes again in an episode where the Bung Boiz are wishing for anything their heart desires…as long as what they are wishing for weighs less than ten pounds. How much does world peace weigh? Does a replenishing pizza have to always have the same toppings? Are squirrels exotic pets? Plus, hear about the time Matt got a $900 speeding ticket but Pat got him a $75 discount. Nate becomes his own pet and Pat is his own worst enemy, and it’s all LIVE!
Most American Ways to Die
Grab your vat of gas station cheese dip and meet us in Daytona for a deadly new episode of LIVE! What are the most American ways to die? Choking on a hot dog? Attacked by an eagle? Amateurducer Matt explains his fear of fireworks. Pat tries to read a cookbook. Nate fights to survive being handcuffed to a lion. Plus, Matt finally picks the best man for his wedding, and then his best man picks an assistant best man. Apple pie. Baseball. Diabetes. This is 'MERICA, and it's LIVE!
Hidden Underground Worlds
Grab your Earth-sized jawbreaker and meet us underground as we dig up another draft full of laughs. What hidden worlds are buried beneath the surface of the planet? One full of candy, or one full of monsters? Pat thinks ghosts are heavy and cause volcanos. Nate hopes that the core is actually a giant disco ball. Matt believes we are being controlled by aliens who have a secret civilization beneath us. Plus, were you a Looney Tunes kid or a Muppets kid? Are any of your friends in the Illuminopoly? And which fast food chain does Big Foot frequent when he’s not stalking through the woods? It’s LIVE!
Stuff I Never Knew
Grab your stuffed wooly mammoth and get ready to break parrot law in a new episode of LIVE! This week, the Bung Boiz are exchanging fun trivia facts in honor of “Stuff I Never Knew,” a game show podcast that the gang appeared on. NateBot is here and he wants you to insert Oreos. Pat tries to explain how eyes work (and fails). Matt doesn’t think trans-fats should be banned from the military. Plus, who is the Caesar salad actually named after? Which top NFL player never played college football? And why are the Bung Boiz talking about horses again? Stuffed hair and Something from the Beach Bungalow. It’s LIVE!
Hot Stuff
Grab Sean Paul and meet us at Nate’s company work function in Chicago for a hot episode of LIVE! The Bung Boiz are drafting the best of all things hot, including hot streaks, sexy people, spicy food, and warm temps. Find out how Nate embarrassed himself at a company event last summer. Hear Matt try to navigate a situation in which he was told “underwear optional.” Listen to Pat try to convince everyone that a plantain is as much a banana as a banana is a banana. We’ve got jalapeño poppers stuffed with Frosties and extra lettuce which may or not be code for something else. What is the flash point of denim? Find out on a new episode of LIVE!
Things You Want to Blast into Space
Grab your astronaut suit and meet us at launchpad 39A for an out-of-this-world episode of LIVE! What do you wish you could launch into space? Nate uses his rocket to get rid of some inconvenient trash. Matt blasts off the Kardashians, but only so they can shoot a new season in zero G. Pat tries to suck the earth’s core out through a volcano. Plus, how do sound barriers work? Do rocks crack if they’re dropped from really high? Are instructions a book? And does SpaceX sound like Space-Sex to anyone else but Matt? Join us on "Earth and a half” for a full new episode of LIVE!